Philips HeartStart MRX (12-lead Biphasic, Pacing, Spo2, NIBP, AED)


The Philips Heartstart MRX is proudly presented to you from AME. The HeartStart MRx Defibrillator for EMS and for Hospital use can be configured with options such as 3-lead or 12-lead ECG, AED function, QCPR for CPR Coaching, Non-Invasive Pacing, SpO2 Pulse Oximetry, NiBP, End Tidal CO2 using Microstream Technology, Bluetooth and Wireless communication, and other options to fit your needs. 

Various defibrillators include a number of potential packages; 3 lead EKGs, 12 lead EKG, Pacing, NiBP, etc. This unit, not quite "fully loaded" includes Pacing, NiBP (non-invasive blood pressure), AED, SP02 (with a finger sensor) and BiPhasic options. 

For any additional questions or concerns regarding this defibrillator or any other refurbished medical equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Please note that all returns that are made not as a result of a defect will result in a 20% restocking fee.